Pnoy Administration 2015 Budget Still Laced With Pork Barrel? #IlonggoOFW
The Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP) and Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) are being used by the Pnoy Administration to hasten the development of every government sectors through which these were given to priority projects for its constituents. The essence of these two funding are thoroughly applied but other political leaders opposed and even the Judicial arm found it unconstitutional. It’s the most controversial in the governance of President Aquino which made the Administration to fight back, that DAP is constitutional in its form and usage. The present administration molded this funding system to augment with increased and prioritized projects for development. The Supreme Court ruling on the DAP was one of the most difficult challenges for the President in 2014. This also brought on the President’s lowest performance and trust ratings since mid-2010. The High Tribunal’s decision declaring the DAP unconstitutional can also be blamed for the uncertainty in gov...