Effective Treatment for Sleep Apnea
Photo Source: "NEW SLEEP APNEA MASK KIT $90 by BarterSmart, on Flickr"> Author Resource:Jules MacDowell. I am a keen writer on sleep related issues, of which I suffered for many years. I have made good progress to reduce my symptoms by using a Sleep Apnea Mouthpiece and an apnea pillow to help cure my problem. It's working great so far. Article provided by - Published-Articles.com ############# The commonest symptoms of sleep apnea include insomnia, daytime sleepiness, snoring, obstruction in breathing process during sleep and waking up with a feeling of dry mouth and headache. When these symptoms become perceptible, it is wise to visit a doctor. The doctor will normally inspect face bones, jawbone and the esophagus structures which include uvula, tonsils and palates, to check the amount of breathing space for the passage of inhaled air to the lungs. X-rays will further help to get a clear picture of the actual arrangement of whole structure. For minor...